09 December 2013

Heavy Hearted Hell Hidden at Home

You can dream of forever but everything must end
I guess we all don't grow up out of playing pretend
Turn my life into a math problem depressed anger times sum
It all adds up to be the product of your freedom
I reflect my anger to cover my pain Much like a jacket does during the rain
No therapy exists to resolve my many issues
I can cry a million tears but I'd only waste tissues
Pain persists as long as I'm cursed with life
Broken hearted and lonely I chase various highs
Dreams of empathy while I'm lost in a glass pipe
Miss misery loves company but two wrongs won't make right
I wish you were at least half as crazy as me
So the depths of hell you would also see
You can try to hide from the demons under you're bed
But theres no way to escape the monsters inside of your head